Spring Boot is a very popular Java framework for creating standalone, production ready web applications. In this series of blog posts, we are going to walk through using Spring Boot 2.0 to build and deploy a simple CRUD REST application.

This post is part of the “Spring Boot Primer” series.

We’re going to make use of modern Spring technologies such as Spring Security Oauth2 JOSE, Spring Cloud AWS, and Spring Actuator, powered by Micrometer.

We’re going use Docker to package up the application for deployment, and to orchestrate the various dependencies we have in our development pipeline.

The source code for the project we will be building is available here.

The topics we’re going to cover are listed below.


We’ll start by talking about how we orchestrate the development environment, to get us up and running with MariaDB and Redis effortlessly.

Spring Boot

Once we have our development environment up and running, we’ll move over to talking about how we actually build the application using Spring Boot.